American Research Group, Inc.


2010 US Senate Pollster Ratings

Here are the pollster scorecard results for the Nevada, Colorado, Illinois, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, California, Washington, Florida, Ohio, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Connecticut, Missouri, North Carolina, New York (special), New York, and Louisiana 2010 US Senate races using the measure of polling accuracy proposed by Martin, Traugott, and Kennedy.

Listed are final polls completed within 21 days of the election. Polls are listed most accurate to least accurate based on the accuracy measure. Click here for results with polling aggregators.

Nevada US Senate
Angle Reid Odds
PPP 47% 46% 1.15 0.14
YouGov 49% 47% 1.17 0.16
Fox 48% 45% 1.20 0.18
Mason-Dixon 49% 45% 1.23 0.20
CNN/Time 49% 45% 1.23 0.20
Rasmussen 49% 45% 1.23 0.20
Actual 44.59% 50.24%

The accuracy measures for all but the PPP poll fall outside the 95% confidence interval, showing biases toward Angle.


Colorado US Senate
Buck Bennet Odds
YouGov 48% 49% 1.00 0.00
RBI 42% 43% 1.00 0.00
PPP 49% 48% 1.04 0.04
CNN/Time 47% 46% 1.04 0.04
Marist 49% 45% 1.11 0.10
Rasmussen 48% 44% 1.11 0.11
Actual 46.89% 47.7%

None of the accuracy measures fall outside the 95% confidence interval.


Illinois US Senate
Kirk Giannoulias Odds
Chicago Tribune 44% 41% 1.03 0.03
Fox 46% 42% 1.05 0.05
PPP 46% 42% 1.05 0.05
Rasmussen 46% 42% 1.05 0.05
Liszt 37% 39% 0.91 -0.09
YouGov 44% 47% 0.90 -0.11
Actual 48.2% 46.3%

None of the accuracy measures fall outside the 95% confidence interval.


Pennsylvania US Senate
Toomey Sestak Odds
Susquehanna 46% 44% 1.00 0.00
Rasmussen 50% 46% 1.04 0.04
Ipsos 46% 46% 0.96 -0.04
CNN/Time 49% 45% 1.05 0.05
YouGov 48% 44% 1.05 0.05
Muhlenberg 48% 44% 1.05 0.05
PPP 51% 46% 1.07 0.06
Quinnipiac 50% 45% 1.07 0.07
YouGov 50% 44% 1.09 0.09
Marist 52% 45% 1.11 0.10
Marshall 48% 40% 1.15 0.14
Actual 51% 49%

None of the accuracy measures fall outside the 95% confidence interval.


West Virginia US Senate
Raese Manchin Odds
PPP 46% 51% 1.11 0.11
Rasmussen 46% 50% 1.13 0.13
Fox 48% 46% 1.29 0.25
Actual 43.41% 53.47%

The accuracy measures for PPP and Fox fall outside of the 95% confidence interval. The PPP accuracy measure falls outside of the confidence interval because of the large sample size for the survey (1,676).


California US Senate
Fiorina Boxer Odds
SurveyUSA 38% 46% 1.00 0.00
Suffolk 43% 53% 0.99 -0.01
Field 41% 49% 1.02 0.02
CNN/Time 45% 50% 1.09 0.09
Fox 44% 48% 1.11 0.11
PPP 46% 50% 1.12 0.11
YouGov 45% 49% 1.12 0.11
Rasmussen 46% 49% 1.14 0.13
Actual 42.7% 51.9%

None of the accuracy measures fall outside the 95% confidence interval.


The average accuracy for the polls in the 2010 US Senate races detailed above is 0.10. The average accuracy for PPP in the races above is 0.10. The average accuracy for Rasmussen in the races above is 0.12.

In 2008, the average measure of accuracy for polling in 145 US Senate races was -0.001. In 2008, the average accuracy for PPP was 0.018. In 2008, the average accuracy for Rasmussen was 0.016.

Washington US Senate
Rossi Murray Odds
Fox 47% 49% 1.01 0.01
YouGov 47% 50% 0.99 -0.01
University of Washington 45% 49% 0.97 -0.03
Marist 48% 49% 1.03 0.03
SurveyUSA 47% 47% 1.05 0.05
Rasmussen 48% 47% 1.07 0.07
PPP 50% 48% 1.10 0.09
Actual 48.73% 51.27%

The accuracy measure for the PPP poll falls outside the 95% confidence interval, showing a bias toward Rossi.


Florida US Senate
Rubio Crist Odds
Rasmussen 50% 30% 1.01 0.01
Mason-Dixon 45% 28% 0.98 -0.02
PPP 47% 30% 0.95 -0.05
Susquehanna 48% 31% 0.94 -0.06
Quinnipiac 45% 31% 0.88 -0.13
YouGov 46% 34% 0.82 -0.20
Zogby 40% 33% 0.74 -0.31
Actual 48.92% 29.72%

The accuracy measure for the Zogby poll falls outside the 95% confidence interval.


Ohio US Senate
Portman Fisher Odds
PPP 57% 39% 1.00 0.00
Quinnipiac 56% 37% 1.03 0.03
SurveyUSA 52% 37% 0.96 -0.04
56% 40% 0.95 -0.05
60% 39% 1.05 0.05
YouGov 52% 39% 0.91 -0.10
Wilson 49% 38% 0.88 -0.13
Rasmussen 57% 33% 1.18 0.16
Actual 57.25% 39.0%

None of the accuracy measures fall outside the 95% confidence interval.


New Hampshire US Senate
Ayotte Hodes Odds
UNH 54% 36% 0.92 -0.08
Rasmussen 56% 41% 0.84 -0.18
PPP 56% 41% 0.84 -0.18
Actual 60.0% 36.8%

The accuracy measure for the PPP poll falls outside of the 95% confidence interval. The PPP accuracy measure falls outside of the confidence interval because of the large sample size for the survey (1,308).


The accuracy measures for the PPP polls in West Virginia, Ohio, and New Hampshire fall outside of the 95% confidence intervals because the large sample sizes (1,676, 1,356, and 1,308 respectively) reduced the confidence intervals. The accuracy of these three polls did not increase as the sample sizes increased.

Accuracy measures for three PPP surveys (West Virginia, Washington, and New Hampshire) fall outside of the 95% confidence intervals. Accuracy measures for two Fox News surveys (Nevada and West Virginia) fall outside of the 95% confidence interval. And accuracy measures for the YouGov, Mason-Dixon, CNN/Time, and Rasmussen surveys in Nevada fall outside of the 95% confidence intervals.


Wisconsin US Senate
Johnson Feingold Odds
Voter/Consumer 48% 44% 0.99 -0.01
YouGov 52% 46% 1.02 0.02
Rasmussen 53% 46% 1.04 0.04
Marist 52% 45% 1.04 0.04
PPP 53% 44% 1.09 0.09
Actual 52% 47%

None of the accuracy measures fall outside the 95% confidence intervals.


Kentucky US Senate
Paul Conway Odds
Rasmussen 53% 41% 1.02 0.02
SurveyUSA 52% 43% 0.95 -0.05
YouGov 52% 44% 0.93 -0.07
PPP 55% 40% 1.08 0.08
CN2 Politics 46% 39% 0.93 -0.08
Fox 50% 43% 0.91 -0.09
CNN/Time 50% 43% 0.91 -0.09
Actual 56% 44%

None of the accuracy measures fall outside the 95% confidence intervals.


Connecticut US Senate
McMahon Blumenthal Odds
PPP 43% 54% 1.00 0.00
Fox 42% 53% 0.99 -0.01
You Gov 43% 52% 1.03 0.03
Quinnipiac 44% 53% 1.04 0.04
Rasmussen 46% 53% 1.08 0.08
Actual 44% 55%

None of the accuracy measures fall outside the 95% confidence intervals.


Missouri US Senate
Blunt Carnahan Odds
Missouri State 54% 41% 0.98 -0.02
YouGov 54% 42% 0.96 -0.04
Actual 54.3% 40.6%

None of the accuracy measures fall outside the 95% confidence intervals.


North Carolina US Senate
Burr Marshall Odds
PPP 52% 40% 1.02 0.02
SurveyUSA 53% 38% 1.09 0.09
Actual 55% 43%

None of the accuracy measures fall outside the 95% confidence intervals.


In 18 races, PPP surveys have an average accuracy rating of 0.08. In 18 races, Rasmussen surveys (not Fox) have an average accuracy rating of 0.10. And in 15 races, YouGov surveys have an average accuracy rating of 0.07.

Fox surveys have an average accuracy rating of 0.11 in 9 races.


New York US Senate
DioGuardi Gillibrand Odds
YouGov 34% 58% 1.02 0.02
Quinnipiac 34% 57% 1.03 0.03
Rasmussen 33% 54% 1.06 0.06
SurveyUSA 36% 56% 1.11 0.11
Siena 37% 57% 1.12 0.12
NY Times 25% 50% 0.87 -0.14
Marist 38% 56% 1.18 0.16
Actual 35.8% 62.0%

None of the accuracy measures fall outside the 95% confidence intervals.


New York US Senate
Townsend Schumer Odds
Quinnipiac 32% 64% 0.99 -0.01
Siena 32% 64% 0.99 -0.01
SurveyUSA 32% 62% 1.02 0.02
Rasmussen 31% 59% 1.04 0.04
Marist 35% 63% 1.10 0.10
YouGov 34% 60% 1.12 0.12
NY Times 21% 61% 0.68 -0.38
Actual 33.0% 65.4%

The accuracy measure for the New York Times survey falls outside the 95% confidence interval.


Louisiana US Senate
Vitter Melancon Odds
Magellan 52% 35% 0.99 -0.01
Clarus 50% 38% 0.88 -0.13
Anzalone 48% 45% 0.71 -0.34
Actual 57% 38%

The accuracy measure for the Anzalone-Liszt survey falls outside the 95% confidence interval.

The following tables list the polling accuracy measures for 18 US Senate races with the final predictions/averages for each race from (Pollster), FiveThirtyEight (538), and (RCP).

Nevada US Senate
Angle Reid Odds
PPP 47% 46% 1.15 0.14
YouGov 49% 47% 1.17 0.16
Fox 48% 45% 1.20 0.18
RCP 48% 45.3% 1.19 0.18
538 50% 47% 1.20 0.18
Pollster 48.8% 46% 1.20 0.18
Mason-Dixon 49% 45% 1.23 0.20
CNN/Time 49% 45% 1.23 0.20
Rasmussen 49% 45% 1.23 0.20
Actual 44.59% 50.24%


Colorado US Senate
Buck Bennet Odds
YouGov 48% 49% 1.00 0.00
RBI 42% 43% 1.00 0.00
PPP 49% 48% 1.04 0.04
CNN/Time 47% 46% 1.04 0.04
538 49% 48% 1.04 0.04
Pollster 47.9% 46.5% 1.05 0.05
RCP 49.3% 46.3% 1.09 0.08
Marist 49% 45% 1.11 0.10
Rasmussen 48% 44% 1.11 0.11
Actual 46.89% 47.7%


Illinois US Senate
Kirk Giannoulias Odds
Pollster 43.7% 42.0% 1.00 0.00
538 49% 48% 0.98 -0.02
Chicago Tribune 44% 41% 1.03 0.03
RCP 44.8% 41.5% 1.04 0.04
Fox 46% 42% 1.05 0.05
PPP 46% 42% 1.05 0.05
Rasmussen 46% 42% 1.05 0.05
Liszt 37% 39% 0.91 -0.09
YouGov 44% 47% 0.90 -0.11
Actual 48.2% 46.3%


Pennsylvania US Senate
Toomey Sestak Odds
Susquehanna 46% 44% 1.00 0.00
Rasmussen 50% 46% 1.04 0.04
Ipsos 46% 46% 0.96 -0.04
538 52% 48% 1.04 0.04
CNN/Time 49% 45% 1.05 0.05
YouGov 48% 44% 1.05 0.05
Muhlenberg 48% 44% 1.05 0.05
Pollster 48.7% 44.7% 1.05 0.05
PPP 51% 46% 1.07 0.06
RCP 49.5% 45% 1.06 0.06
Quinnipiac 50% 45% 1.07 0.07
YouGov 50% 44% 1.09 0.09
Marist 52% 45% 1.11 0.10
Marshall 48% 40% 1.15 0.14
Actual 51% 49%


West Virginia US Senate
Raese Manchin Odds
PPP 46% 51% 1.11 0.11
RCP 46.0% 50.5% 1.12 0.12
Rasmussen 46% 50% 1.13 0.13
538 47% 51% 1.14 0.13
Pollster 46.1% 49.4% 1.15 0.14
Fox 48% 46% 1.29 0.25
Actual 43.41% 53.47%


California US Senate
Fiorina Boxer Odds
SurveyUSA 38% 46% 1.00 0.00
Suffolk 43% 53% 0.99 -0.01
Field 41% 49% 1.02 0.02
CNN/Time 45% 50% 1.09 0.09
RCP 43.3% 48.3% 1.09 0.09
Pollster 43.9% 49.0% 1.09 0.09
538 46% 51% 1.10 0.09
Fox 44% 48% 1.11 0.11
PPP 46% 50% 1.12 0.11
YouGov 45% 49% 1.12 0.11
Rasmussen 46% 49% 1.14 0.13
Actual 42.7% 51.9%


Washington US Senate
Rossi Murray Odds
Fox 47% 49% 1.01 0.01
YouGov 47% 50% 0.99 -0.01
538 49% 51% 1.01 0.01
University of Washington 45% 49% 0.97 -0.03
Marist 48% 49% 1.03 0.03
RCP 48.0% 48.3% 1.05 0.04
Pollster 47.9% 48.6% 1.04 0.04
SurveyUSA 47% 47% 1.05 0.05
Rasmussen 48% 47% 1.07 0.07
PPP 50% 48% 1.10 0.09
Actual 48.73% 51.27%


Florida US Senate
Rubio Crist Odds
Rasmussen 50% 30% 1.01 0.01
Mason-Dixon 45% 28% 0.98 -0.02
PPP 47% 30% 0.95 -0.05
RCP 47.0% 30.0% 0.95 -0.05
Susquehanna 48% 31% 0.94 -0.06
Pollster 45.3% 30.7% 0.90 -0.11
Quinnipiac 45% 31% 0.88 -0.13
538 45% 32% 0.85 -0.16
YouGov 46% 34% 0.82 -0.20
Zogby 40% 33% 0.74 -0.31
Actual 48.92% 29.72%


Ohio US Senate
Portman Fisher Odds
PPP 57% 39% 1.00 0.00
Pollster 55.8% 38.2% 1.00 0.00
Quinnipiac 56% 37% 1.03 0.03
SurveyUSA 52% 37% 0.96 -0.04
56% 40% 0.95 -0.05
60% 39% 1.05 0.05
538 57% 41% 0.95 -0.05
RCP 57.5% 37% 1.06 0.06
YouGov 52% 39% 0.91 -0.10
Wilson 49% 38% 0.88 -0.13
Rasmussen 57% 33% 1.18 0.16
Actual 57.25% 39.0%


New Hampshire US Senate
Ayotte Hodes Odds
UNH 54% 36% 0.92 -0.08
RCP 55.3% 39.3% 0.86 -0.15
Rasmussen 56% 41% 0.84 -0.18
PPP 56% 41% 0.84 -0.18
Pollster 53.4% 39.2% 0.84 -0.18
538 55% 42% 0.80 -0.22
Actual 60.0% 36.8%


Wisconsin US Senate
Johnson Feingold Odds
538 51% 46% 1.00 0.00
Voter/Consumer 48% 44% 0.99 -0.01
YouGov 52% 46% 1.02 0.02
Rasmussen 53% 46% 1.04 0.04
Marist 52% 45% 1.04 0.04
RCP 52.7% 45.0% 1.06 0.06
Pollster 52.9% 45.2% 1.06 0.06
PPP 53% 44% 1.09 0.09
Actual 52% 47%


Kentucky US Senate
Paul Conway Odds
RCP 51.8% 40.8% 1.00 0.00
Rasmussen 53% 41% 1.02 0.02
538 55% 44% 0.98 -0.02
SurveyUSA 52% 43% 0.95 -0.05
Pollster 50.8% 42.0% 0.95 -0.05
YouGov 52% 44% 0.93 -0.07
PPP 55% 40% 1.08 0.08
CN2 Politics 46% 39% 0.93 -0.08
Fox 50% 43% 0.91 -0.09
CNN/Time 50% 43% 0.91 -0.09
Actual 56% 44%


Connecticut US Senate
McMahon Blumenthal Odds
PPP 43% 54% 1.00 0.00
Fox 42% 53% 0.99 -0.01
538 44% 54% 1.02 0.02
You Gov 43% 52% 1.03 0.03
Pollster 43.8% 53.0% 1.03 0.03
Quinnipiac 44% 53% 1.04 0.04
RCP 44.3% 53.0% 1.04 0.04
Rasmussen 46% 53% 1.08 0.08
Actual 44% 55%


Missouri US Senate
Blunt Carnahan Odds
Missouri State 54% 41% 0.98 -0.02
YouGov 54% 42% 0.96 -0.04
RCP 51.7% 41.3% 0.94 -0.07
Pollster 51.1% 41.9% 0.91 -0.09
538 54% 44% 0.92 -0.09
Actual 54.3% 40.6%


North Carolina US Senate
Burr Marshall Odds
PPP 52% 40% 1.02 0.02
538 55% 42% 1.02 0.02
Pollster 50.4% 38.1% 1.03 0.03
RCP 50.3% 37.5% 1.05 0.05
SurveyUSA 53% 38% 1.09 0.09
Actual 55% 43%


New York US Senate
DioGuardi Gillibrand Odds
YouGov 34% 58% 1.02 0.02
Quinnipiac 34% 57% 1.03 0.03
Rasmussen 33% 54% 1.06 0.06
Pollster 35.0% 56.4% 1.07 0.07
SurveyUSA 36% 56% 1.11 0.11
RCP 36.0% 55.8% 1.12 0.11
Siena 37% 57% 1.12 0.12
NY Times 25% 50% 0.87 -0.14
538 39% 59% 1.14 0.14
Marist 38% 56% 1.18 0.16
Actual 35.8% 62.0%


New York US Senate
Townsend Schumer Odds
Quinnipiac 32% 64% 0.99 -0.01
Siena 32% 64% 0.99 -0.01
SurveyUSA 32% 62% 1.02 0.02
Rasmussen 31% 59% 1.04 0.04
RCP 32.6% 61.8% 1.05 0.04
538 34% 63% 1.07 0.07
Pollster 33.4% 61.4% 1.08 0.08
Marist 35% 63% 1.10 0.10
YouGov 34% 60% 1.12 0.12
NY Times 21% 61% 0.68 -0.38
Actual 33.0% 65.4%


Louisiana US Senate
Vitter Melancon Odds
Magellan 52% 35% 0.99 -0.01
538 58% 39% 0.99 -0.01
RCP 51.8% 36.8% 0.94 -0.06
Clarus 50% 38% 0.88 -0.13
Pollster 50.1% 38.3% 0.87 -0.14
Anzalone 48% 45% 0.71 -0.34
Actual 57% 38%

The absolute average accuracy is 0.07 for RealClearPolitics, 0.07 for FiveThirtyEight, and 0.08 for The absolute average accuracy for the US Senate polls listed above is 0.08. had 0.00 accuracy ratings (the best) in Illinois and Ohio. FiveThirtyEight had a 0.00 accuracy rating in Wisconsin. And RealClearPolitics had a 0.00 accuracy rating in Kentucky.

The average rank is 4.6 for FiveThirtyEight, 4.7 for RealClearPolitics, and 5.1 for

As the state tables indicate, all three aggregators have their strengths and weaknesses. There is not, however, a superior methodology based on these polling accuracy results.

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