September 8, 20142014 South Carolina Governor Ballot
The following results are based on 600 completed telephone interviews among a random sample
of registered voters living in South Carolina saying they definitely (563 completed interviews)
or might (37 completed interviews) vote in the general election on November 4, 2014. The interviews
were completed from September 2 through 4, 2014.
A total of 419 interviews were conducted in
households with landline telephones and 181 interviews were conducted by cell phone or other
mobile device.
The theoretical margin of error for the total
sample of 600 adults is plus or minus 4 percentage points, 95% of the time, on questions where
opinion is evenly split. Question wording and responses:
If the general election for governor were
being held today between Nikki Haley, the Republican, Vincent Sheheen, the Democrat, Tom Ervin,
the independent Republican, and Steve French, the libertarian, for whom would you vote - Haley,
Sheheen, Ervin, or French? (names rotated)
2014 SC Governor
Haley |
French | Undecided
Likely voters
1% | 5% |
Republicans (42%)
80% |
1% |
15% |
- | 4%
Democrats (36%)
8% |
68% |
17% |
1% | 6%
Independents (22%)
28% |
33% |
26% |
1% | 12%
Male (50%) |
49% |
27% |
17% |
* | 7%
(50%) |
36% |
38% |
18% |
1% | 7%
18-44 (36%) |
43% |
34% |
17% |
1% | 5%
45 and older (64%) |
43% |
31% |
18% |
1% | 7%
White (76%) |
53% |
22% |
18% |
* |
7% |
Black/African American (22%) |
9% |
68% |
17% |
2% |
4% |
Landline (70%) |
53% |
28% |
12% |
1% | 6%
Cell/Other (30%) |
18% |
43% |
30% |
1% | 8%
* Less
than 1/2 of 1 percent |
When it comes to the second choice among likely
voters, 13% say Haley, 9% say Sheheen, 30% say Ervin, 1% say French, and 47% are undecided.
All likely voters say they are aware of Nikki
Haley, with 52% saying they have a favorable opinion of Haley, 28% having an unfavorable opinion
of Haley, and 19% aware of Haley but undecided.
A total of 92% of likely voters are aware of Vincent
Shaheen. A total of 33% of likely voters say they have a favorable opinion of Sheheen, 31%
say they have an unfavorable opinion of Sheheen, and 28% are aware of Sheheen but are undecided.
A total of 89% of likely voters are aware of Tom Ervin.
A total of 21% of likely voters say they have a favorable opinion of Ervin, 17% say they have
an unfavorable opinion of Ervin, and 50% are aware of Ervin but are undecided.
A total of 69% of likely voters are aware of Steve
French. No likely voters say they have a favorable opinion of French, 19% say they have an
unfavorable opinion of French, and 50% are aware of French but are undecided.