American Research Group, Inc.
The New Hampshire Poll

December 1976

The first New Hampshire Poll was conducted in December 1976. Mel Thomson was governor, Thomas McIntyre and John Durkin were US Senators, Norm D'Amours and Jim Cleveland were members of Congress, and Jimmy Carter would become the 39th president in January 1977.

Voters told us that the most important issue facing the state was high property taxes, 62% favored the construction of the Seabrook nuclear power plant, 46% of voters said that Mel Thomson was doing an excellent or good job as governor and 52% said Thomson was doing a fair or poor job, and Thomas McIntyre was leading Mel Thomson 56% to 28% in a hypothetical match-up for US Senate (Gordon Humphrey, the winner over McIntyre in 1978, was still a politically-unknown airline pilot).

There was solid opposition to a state income tax, a state sales tax, and state-run gambling in New Hampshire.

Question wording:
Do you favor or oppose a state sales tax?

December 1976 Favor Oppose Undecided
All voters 19% 77% 4%
Republicans 15% 83% 2%
Democrats 21% 73% 6%
Independents 20% 77% 3%

Do you favor or oppose a state income tax?

December 1976 Favor Oppose Undecided
All voters 20% 69% 11%
Republicans 19% 70% 11%
Democrats 24% 61% 15%
Independents 19% 71% 10%

Do you favor or oppose the legalization of state-run gambling in New Hampshire?

December 1976 Favor Oppose Undecided
All voters 35% 58% 7%
Republicans 27% 68% 5%
Democrats 34% 61% 5%
Independents 39% 52% 9%


And of 13 names being mentioned in 1976 as possible candidates for higher office in 1978, none hold elective office in New Hampshire today (Lou D'Allessandro did not run for re-election to the New Hampshire State Senate in 2024). Bob Smith, Judd Gregg, Charlie Bass, and members of the Sununu family were not included as potential candidates.

Names tested:
Clesson Blaisdell
James Connor
Louis D'Allessandro
Dudley Dudley
Alf Jacobson
Malcolm McLane
James Masiello
George Roberts
Warren Rudman
Bernard Streeter
Rob Trowbridge
Frank Whaland
Alan Rock

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