American Research Group, Inc.
The New Hampshire Poll

April 19, 2007

Civil Unions, Seat Belt Law, Constitutional Amendment

The following results are based on 600 completed telephone interviews among a statewide random sample of registered voters in New Hampshire. Of the 600 interviews, 182 were anmong registered Republicans, 163 among registered Democrats, and 255 among undeclared (independent) voters. The interviews were conducted April 16 through 18, 2007.

The theoretical margin of error for the total sample of 600 is plus or minus 4 percentage points, 95% of the time, on questions where opinion is evenly split.

Question wording and responses:

Do you favor or oppose a law in New Hampshire that would permit same-gender couples to enter civil unions and have the same rights, responsibilities, and obligations as married couples?

Civil Unions Favor Oppose Undecided
All voters 42% 49% 9%
Republicans 22% 63% 15%
Democrats 66% 30% 4%
Undeclared 41% 52% 7%
Men 33% 59% 8%
Women 51% 39% 10%


Do you favor or oppose a law in New Hampshire that requires seat belt use by all motor vehicle operators and passengers?

Seat Belt Law Favor Oppose Undecided
All voters 63% 29% 8%
Republicans 66% 26% 8%
Democrats 67% 30% 3%
Undeclared 58% 30% 12%
Men 53% 39% 8%
Women 73% 20% 7%


Governor John Lynch has proposed a constitutional amendment that would have the legislature define an adequate education, regularly determine the cost of an adequate education, fund not less than fifty percent of the total statewide cost of an adequate education each year, and distribute state aid to promote equal opportunity to receive an adequate education. Do you favor or oppose this constitutional amendment?

Amendment Favor Oppose Undecided
All voters 56% 30% 14%
Republicans 34% 48% 18%
Democrats 66% 21% 13%
Undeclared 65% 24% 11%
Men 52% 36% 12%
Women 59% 25% 16%


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